Hi Everyone! Welcome to Thursday's post!
I have worked so hard on Thursday's post that I want to extend it to Friday's. Or else it will be shoved into the back ground and never to be seen again!
I'm excited today.......
Well now 'Rainbow Birdie' has flown from his nest for a wee while. I wondered what I could do next? We all have lots of projects in mind. I walked into the Conservatory and started sorting my wool box out.

I had lots of wool left over from two throws I had made for the Conservatory. All I needed was 'Mr. Hooky' and something sitting over there in the corner. Here sits my 'Barnyard Friends' have you come across them before in my Flickr stream? It's not them I'm after, but something they are sitting in. My Daughters each had a Cookery Basket for school. One of them was used to home these adorable farm animals.

Okay, I'm ready. I walked into the Lounge yesterday afternoon and sat by the fireside.
Off we go........ First of all I crocheted a long rectangle of ripple. 18 rows in all. Then I double crocheted around the ripple edging. Sewed the sides up with a darning needle. So I had a tubey.

Then an oval of trebles to fit the base of the basket.

I first of all put the body of the basket over the handle and then sewed the base on to it.

Then threaded a chain of crochet through one of the rows of ripple and made a bow.

Looking good...... But something missing here. I know a crocheted handle. Just four rows of trebles, fitted over the handle and sewn together. Bit difficult, but well worth the struggle.

Then I thought of adding a little pink crocheted flower and sewed on the front. How's that looking now?

Yes, I'm pleased. Oh dear, once again Mrs Twins didn't get much sleep. 3.00 am this morning I was trying to load up. My iphone was taking the 'mick' so I went to bed. This morning when I got up came downstairs to my lap top and I was so excited because you very kind Flickr ladies had already started commenting! Before I had even seen them myself. So thanks everyone.
Of course I did take some photos of the basket sitting on my ripple in the Kitchen. So pretty! Amazing what you can do with odd balls of wool.
My Husband remarked how nice it was. I said becareful, if you stand too near 'I'll crochet you!'. He laughed!!
After I had finished my work this morning I ventured out into the Garden. Next doors door was open, so I waited awhile. If they see me again this morning they will be ringing up the 'white coat' people!

Trouble is now, where shall I keep the 'Barnyard Friends?'.

Thanks to everyone. Today's music. Queen. I chose late last night has a cartoon with it 'Yarn Basket Rescue!' Please put the kettle on and stay awhile and watch my slideshow.
Love you all...........
'Queen' - 'Yarn Basket Rescue' cartoon. Enjoy!
Music off now.