It was such fun getting prepared for them. My Brother and Dad would come over and help my Husband and myself decorate the nursery. In those days it was Mothercare who had the market for baby clothes and equipment. We decorated the room in pastel coloured wallpaper. If you visit my Crocheting Flickr set you can see the pastel coloured cushions and doilies I made for the room. Also a changing mat bag and other baby bits and pieces. Sleeping suits and Christening Gowns. It was such fun getting everything ready for them.
I'm sure everyone will agree midwives always prepare you for the birth but not so much for the arrival! Sleepless nights and no time to yourselves was then the 'norm'. We had a lot of help from Grandparents and members of the family. The very first night we was awake all night long feeding. When we had fed the one, the other woke up. When we had got her back settled, the other one would wake up. So the second night we decided to feed the one, then wake the other. That way you could actually get a bit of sleep.
It was certainly a wonderful experience caring for two babies, and as the years went on watching every milestone. It was really fun how the one would do something first then the other one would follow shortly after. Then at times the other one would do something first. So amusing!
I belonged to a Twins club in the early days and was given a lot of support from other moms of twins. I met a lot of good friends and we went on several days out.
We have always tried our best for the girls and have always tried to buy two of everything. So they had a bike each, a scooter each, a dolls pram each. Yes it was expensive but also such a pleasure. We were lucky too that we could do it for them.
I was telling Elizabeth from Creative Breathing that I have everything still of the girls. Up in the loft I have their toys in mint condition, we always looked after everything so well. Everything was bought 'twice'. She said, 'I am a Keeper of things'. I think I am also a 'Keeper of Memories'. I was telling her on email that I have every special moment recorded in photo albums, and my own life too from around the age of 18. I am 54 now! I cherish everything such a lot.
My daughters are identical twins and we think the absolute world of them.
We read 'Little Miss Twins' by Roger Hargreaves over and over again, this is why we decided to call our house 'Two Times Cottage' because that was the name of their house. So that's why we call it that name and everything in their world was twice over! Just like ours.
I have been asked by Flickr friends to show some photos of our home. It's nothing special but it's home to us and our family.
Can I also say at this point that I've done a couple of postings now and that although I'm still having a couple of teething problems I feel it is a good time to welcome everyone on board.
My latest friends joining us are Elizabeth Creative Breathing and Twyla and Lindsey Two Crazy Crafters. WELCOME! Also big hello again to Kate, Garden Bell, Rosette, Arty Crafty Settie, Lesley, Tintock tap and Clan of the Cave Bear. Not forgetting Eileen EMC Photos and Amy Woo.
BrendaS2 has not joined us in Blogland but I know she's following me closely! So hello dear B.
So here are some photos now of our home. 'Two Times Cottage'. Enjoy!

YAWN! YAWN! YAWN! So sorry this is so long.............
I am sure Kate Garden Bell is over the moon with the safe arrival of Aiden James Dainard. She is now a Nana and we wish her and her family lots of happiness. Congratulations from all your Flickr friends!!
What a cute little sign you have in your house. I have one too, so I'm going to have to take a picture to add. Great idea.
ReplyDeleteWhat a absolutely charming cottage you have. Now, I can see where you blog away. Last night, while not sleeping I did browse back at some of your old Flickrs.. Wow, Looks like we are all going to be in for a big treat at Christmas time... Very cool.
Pacing here in Wheaton. Will probably need that hard wood floors finish when this is all said and done today... She is in right this second, so patiently (not) waiting to hear. I know I should have gone out there.
Hey, do you hear the music I just added to my blog. Another freebie and goodness knows I'm all about the freebies.
Gotta get up and pace some more, while waiting for the phone to ring.
Will try to blog later after I hear any news. Brain is swimming too much right now to think about it.
Great job...
You know, I saw that photo of your house name and I immediately thought Little Miss Twins!
ReplyDeleteI've very selective of any photos I show of my house - doing my best to hide the mess!
And I'm very much in awe of women like you and my cousin who've had twins. I had post natal depression with both my children - with my son it was untreated and there's no way I would have survived two of him!
Hang on in there Kate! Everything will be just fine! We await your post!
ReplyDeleteI hope I'm not boring everyone. I haven't much to write about apart from my family and the lovely things and memories I have around me. Thank you Lesley.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Twins, Keeper of Memories, the stories of our lives are what are truly of value. My life as well has been filled with the simple joys of my children. I hope you will share your Days of Children with us. I am going to drive you nuts with requests for crocheted close ups - your house is a treasure trove! Very lovely and very English. Your stork looks perfectly at home on the windowsill. Have a wonderful weekend. Looking forward to more Twin stories! Elizabeth
ReplyDeleteDang this laptop! Ooops, sorry for the word but I was about to hit the Post Comment button when my whole message was deleted! Now, I have to start all over again.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, you're house is so loooovely Sue! Is that the conservatory where you keep your stork and the ripple blanket and the crochet pillow. I think I like it best. It's so homey and comfy I want to sit there and chat with you the whole day. Put on the kettle Sue. I'm coming over. Hahaha!
You're a wonderful homemaker Sue. Your family is so lucky to have you. I just wish I can be half the homemaker that you are. I'm trying to get there.
Rosette :~)
Elizabeth, you are sweet. You say such lovely things. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comments Rosette. I couldn't spend much time on my house when my children were little. You're just busy getting through the normal day to day stuff. More time will come for your crafts and your home, just enjoy your children! I know you do.