Wednesday, 30 September 2009
A mom with her twins.
I have had this picture for many years and although over time it has worn it means a lot to me. I had a Double buggy very similar to this one a McClaren. It was a really lovely buggy, so light to push. I would often stop and take a break. The picture for some reason just reminds me of 'me'. (Without the hat!).
When my daughters were little I joined a Twins group. I had many good get-to-gethers with other moms. I made some really good friends. We often shared play afternoons and visited parks etc., Those early days hold very special memories for me. I'm so pleased I was able to capture my memories and put them into photo albums. Of course the quality of the pictures 20+ years ago was not as good as it is now. Digital is fantastic and been able to put them on to the computer, well that's wonderful. I doubt very much whether I would have had time to play with the computer though. Our lives were very hectic indeed. It was a great fun. So special to see two babies reach milestones. In those days 'going back to work' after having your baby was really not as popular as it is now. You had your babies and you stayed at home to bring them up. The thought of going back to work never even crossed our minds !
I enjoyed taking them out in the Double buggy, although it took me ages to get anywhere. People would stop me all the time and admire my beautiful babies. I dressed them the same while they were tiny but as they got older they had the same dresses but in different colours. I embroidered their initials on their clothes so people could tell them apart even when they started school. I still have their very first baby clothes I treasure them like any mom would.
This picture was painted by Sandra Fisher and it was placed into an auction to raise money for the Multiple Births Foundation in 1990. I was given the picture on a card and have always kept it.
It brings back memories for me.
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Quiet Tuesday.
Well not much to post today. Got up early and had to go and get Little Miss. Twin checked out at the hospital. She banged the side of her face and eye yesterday while shutting the boot on her car. It came pretty sharp and she caught the corner of her eye. But she's okay just a bit uncomfortable, it is quite badly bruised.
Then we went to the Crem, it was a year today that Mr. Twins mother passed away so I cut some of my Geraniums and we went and lay them at the Crem. Afterwards we went back to the Crooked House, I was gasping for a cup of tea. Boy was that tea vile? Just like 'dish water' I have to say. So weak, cold and just horrible. Couldn't wait to get back to make us a decent one.
It brought back memories of last year it was a sad day when Mother in law passed away. We had the job of sorting things out afterwards. Years ago people lined their chest of drawers with newspapers and while I was getting them out I noticed the date on the top of the newspaper Monday 29th September 1952. A cold shiver went down my back, because that was the date she died. Monday 29th September but the year 2008. How stange was that?

So we've had a pretty reflective day today we sat and spoke kindly of her. A wonderful woman who we loved dearly.
On the way over I sat in the car and did some of my TV Rippling, although there wasn't a TV in the car!! It's coming on as you can see.

I think with this one I am going to try and put an edging on. See what it turns out like anyway. If I don't like it, I can unpick it. Let's just hope after this hard work Little Miss. Twin likes it.
Oh well! I'm off to sit and watch the rubbish on TV with my Husband.
Goodnight all!
P.S. I forgot to say I have got some inside photos of the Crooked House. But they are on my Husbands phone. My iphone went dead on me battery went flat, also my spare phone stopped working. So I'll probably have to wait until the weekend before he has time to load them up on the PC. Nitey nite!
Monday, 28 September 2009
Flowers in my Garden.
I just couldn't resist taking some photos of the Geraniums still in flower in my pots outside. My hanging baskets have now started to die, in fact Mr.T threw them out yesterday. But the Geraniums well they are doing just fine.

They seem as though they are keeping in flower later this year,or perhaps it's my green fingers at long last!

I hope everyone had a good weekend, it does make a difference when we have some nice sunny days!
Welcome to the newbies! Tabitha thanks for looking in and Vivian. You are most welcome to join us.
Saturday, 26 September 2009
'The Crooked House'.
Hi Everyone!
Today Mr. Twins and myself went for a drive. It was such a lovely warm sunny day it almost felt like the middle of Summer and not the end of September. We drove over to Dudley in the West Midlands and visited one of our favourite spots. The Crooked House or 'Siden House'. The building has been a Midlands tourist attraction for well over a hundred years. The building is a typical Black Country pub, however, one side is four foot lower than the other as a result of subsidence from 19th Century coal mining. It was originally built as a farmhouse in 1765, it was then known as The Glynne Arms on becoming a public house. Now this is the amusing part.......Visitors can now experience a variety of optical illusions, including marbles rolling UPHILL and drinks sliding UP the table, before even touching a drop and as soon as you walk through the front door shown on the photograph you feel as though you have had too many to drink already! Well worth a visit.
We have visited The Crooked House numerous times and it never fails to amuse us. We had a nice lunchtime meal in the extended part at the back and then went for a walk nearby.

It is a place not to be missed in the Black Country. Now I expect my Friends are wondering why we call the Black Country by that name? The Black Country is a loosely defined area of the West Midlands. To the North and West of Birmingham. By the late 19th century, this area had become one of the most intensely industrialised in the nation. The South Staffordshire coal mines, the coal coking operations, and the iron foundries and steel mills that used the local coal to fire their furnaces produced a level of air pollution that had few equals anywhere in the world.
It is believed that The Black Country got its name because of pollution from these heavy industries that covered the area in black soot. The Black Country is also known for its distinctive dialect.
Lunch was lovely and afterwards we drove to Merry Hill Shopping Centre. The shops are fantastic. It was opened in 1985. Next to the shopping centre is the Waterfront which is a leisure area consisting of a number of restaurants and bars and an office complex which is based around the Dudley Canal No.1, which used to service the old Round Oak Steel Works, which is now the Merry Hill Shopping Centre. The canal runs from Tipton towards the Stourbridge Canal travelling under the town of Dudley and Dudley Castle via the Dudley tunnel, then on to Merry Hill and down through a flight of locks, known as the Delph Nine Locks (there are actually now only eight locks.

Hope you enjoyed the photos of an English pub although I can say there aren't any more of these crooked ones! This was always a regular place to go with my family when our children were little taking the Grandparents and enjoying a Saturday lunch.
Bye for now, have a good weekend all.
Friday, 25 September 2009
'Mindless Ramblings!'.

I'm never sure what to write about in these posts. Garden Bell has referred to blog posts as 'Mindless Ramblings'. I suppose in the end that's what they are, because I am just rambling on while drinking countless cups of tea!
My Husband is out at work and won't be getting home until late, my daughter who lives at home goes on to the local gym after work and won't be home till gone 7.00pm. and my other daughter left our nest a few months ago. So I'm 'home alone' in the day mostly chatting to my new found friends on Flickr.
When I say I'm 'home alone', I'm not really though. I have my very best friend BrendaS2 texting me quite a few times during the day. We send each other emails and chat on the phone which is lovely. Then I have all my friends in Flickrland and Blogland. I'm glad BrendaS2 has joined us on Flickr although I would love her dearly to become a blogger!
My daughter flew the nest in February. I am 'half an empty-nester!'. Although I wish her all the happiness, I can not describe the feelings that I as her mom experienced back in February. I was so devasted. I know this is what we all want, our children to become independent and find a life of their own. But I was filled with sadness. Crying 'every' day my baby had suddenly left home. I just couldn't come to terms with it even though I still have my other daughter at home with me which is lovely.
I know here in the UK it is near University starting time and I suppose there will be lots of moms experiencing the same feelings that I have had. Other moms around the world too who I know have grown up children have probably experienced the same. I would love to hear from you.
I don't know how I stumbled upon Flickr now to tell you the truth, do you remember how you did? But all I do know is that I in myself have become so much happier to know that I have my best friend BrendaS2 here and all my other new found friends around the world. I can't mention you all by name but you know who you are!
I have always Crocheted from when I was around 15 years of age. I'm now 54. It started in Cookery Lessons would you believe. My friend and myself were allowed to do our Crocheting while waiting for our food to cook in Domestic Science. We made oversize cardigans buying the wool from Littlewoods in Birmingham. Over the years I have made countless blankets, double, single, etc., You only have to go on my stream to see what I have made. I still do not call myself an expert and would never dream of selling anything. It's good enough for me but not others. My Husband thinks I'm nuts, he says I should. But no I haven't the confidence for that. Well done to all that do!
That's when Flickr came into my world. I put my photos on to Flickr and the comments and friendship started coming in. I haven't looked back since then. It's great to receive all your comments, fun to exchange patterns and ideas, and most of all the friendship is just wonderful. So I would like to thank everyone.
Thank you B and 'my new found' friends.
Sorry about the 'Mindless Ramblings!' - Yawn! Yawn! again!
Also for the rubbish picture. Always take so many of everyone else, but never want mine taken.
Thursday, 24 September 2009
I wonder what's in the house name?
It was such fun getting prepared for them. My Brother and Dad would come over and help my Husband and myself decorate the nursery. In those days it was Mothercare who had the market for baby clothes and equipment. We decorated the room in pastel coloured wallpaper. If you visit my Crocheting Flickr set you can see the pastel coloured cushions and doilies I made for the room. Also a changing mat bag and other baby bits and pieces. Sleeping suits and Christening Gowns. It was such fun getting everything ready for them.
I'm sure everyone will agree midwives always prepare you for the birth but not so much for the arrival! Sleepless nights and no time to yourselves was then the 'norm'. We had a lot of help from Grandparents and members of the family. The very first night we was awake all night long feeding. When we had fed the one, the other woke up. When we had got her back settled, the other one would wake up. So the second night we decided to feed the one, then wake the other. That way you could actually get a bit of sleep.
It was certainly a wonderful experience caring for two babies, and as the years went on watching every milestone. It was really fun how the one would do something first then the other one would follow shortly after. Then at times the other one would do something first. So amusing!
I belonged to a Twins club in the early days and was given a lot of support from other moms of twins. I met a lot of good friends and we went on several days out.
We have always tried our best for the girls and have always tried to buy two of everything. So they had a bike each, a scooter each, a dolls pram each. Yes it was expensive but also such a pleasure. We were lucky too that we could do it for them.
I was telling Elizabeth from Creative Breathing that I have everything still of the girls. Up in the loft I have their toys in mint condition, we always looked after everything so well. Everything was bought 'twice'. She said, 'I am a Keeper of things'. I think I am also a 'Keeper of Memories'. I was telling her on email that I have every special moment recorded in photo albums, and my own life too from around the age of 18. I am 54 now! I cherish everything such a lot.
My daughters are identical twins and we think the absolute world of them.
We read 'Little Miss Twins' by Roger Hargreaves over and over again, this is why we decided to call our house 'Two Times Cottage' because that was the name of their house. So that's why we call it that name and everything in their world was twice over! Just like ours.
I have been asked by Flickr friends to show some photos of our home. It's nothing special but it's home to us and our family.
Can I also say at this point that I've done a couple of postings now and that although I'm still having a couple of teething problems I feel it is a good time to welcome everyone on board.
My latest friends joining us are Elizabeth Creative Breathing and Twyla and Lindsey Two Crazy Crafters. WELCOME! Also big hello again to Kate, Garden Bell, Rosette, Arty Crafty Settie, Lesley, Tintock tap and Clan of the Cave Bear. Not forgetting Eileen EMC Photos and Amy Woo.
BrendaS2 has not joined us in Blogland but I know she's following me closely! So hello dear B.
So here are some photos now of our home. 'Two Times Cottage'. Enjoy!

YAWN! YAWN! YAWN! So sorry this is so long.............
I am sure Kate Garden Bell is over the moon with the safe arrival of Aiden James Dainard. She is now a Nana and we wish her and her family lots of happiness. Congratulations from all your Flickr friends!!
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
Three tiered Cake Stand.
Middle of the week already! This week is flying by. My husband has a few days off and my routine has gone to pot! This morning I did do a really good clean up from top to bottom. I usually do this everyday but it's been quite difficult with him at home. We have also been out and about so time has definitely not been my own. We've had a nice few days together out for lunch to a really pretty pub out in the country. I wish I had taken a photo now, nevermind. I know you Ladies in America are loving the English places.
When I came back I went on to my blog and I was very pleased to see my friend Elizabeth Creative Breathing had joined us all. So Welcome Elizabeth, isn't this just fun! Now Elizabeth is asking for a close up of the cup cakes. Unfortunately, the photo was taken around 6.00pm and already the light is starting to close down on us. I shall try for another one tomorrow. So I hope this is okay for you Elizabeth. I have to admit as I've said before they are not my cupcakes. I didn't make them, they are in fact shop bought Greisla Graham. Cakes for us all without the calories!
The cake wire stand isn't it gorgeous? When my husband and myself went to the Gardening Show at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham we came away from an outside shop with this little three tiered wire cake stand. I had been looking for one for ages and at only £10 I couldn't resist. It looks quite pretty in my room.
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Creative Breathing Blog by Elizabeth.
After we had chatted in emails about the Bird Cage, I had mentioned that I was disappointed with the Photo Carousel. I didn't seem to have the right knack with it.
Well, last night I went to bed checking my messages off my friend and emails on my iphone and I noticed Elizabeth had sent me an email saying that she had gone out and bought a Photo Carousel and that she was going to give me advice on her blog on how to assemble the cards as they are slightly fiddly.
I ran down the stairs all excited interrupted my husband from watching the British Touring Car races on TV and showed him her blog. How kind of her? I had become quite disheartened with mine and I have to admit I had hidden it away.
So now with her help, I am going to try again. I do hope everyone will check her blog out. She writes some really lovely posts, has a knack with her stories and her crafts are out of this world.
Thank you Elizabeth, I just hope now I can do a better job. Watch this space!
Monday, 21 September 2009
Sunday, 20 September 2009
A Stork keeps me awake!
23 years ago when our twin daughters were born, my family came to the hospital to meet our twin daughters for the first time. They bought with them the most beautiful baby girl flower Stork display. It was made out of wire and had an oasis in and a lovely display of pink and white flowers. Carnations and Chrysanthiums.

The flowers died off within a week or so, but I have always kept the stork. Over the years the paint on the wire has flaked off and quite honestly it's looked tatty.

While making the Ripple I decided that when I had finished the blanket I would start on refurbishing the Stork. I removed the old fur which was literally hanging off and also the flaky white paint, which didn't require a great deal of effort. I originally started winding white wool around the legs but then decided to change the colour to orange. Also added an orange felt beak and wired in an oasis.
Then it was time to make the body. I decided I wanted a ruffled look, so I started using the pattern which I used for the flowers. Only in white this time and I knew it would be a lot bigger. I eventually got the ruffled look. I then folded it in half and put it around the Stork's neck and sewed a couple of stitches to hold it in place. Then afterwards I made a small round piece of crochet using trebles and then sewed this on to the ruffled part (a bit tricky as it was on the Stork - nevermind) to form the back.

Then I started making my flowers. The usual Deep Pink Carnations, Light Pink Rose buds and Green Leaves. Then I wired them up just like the Florists do theirs and stuck them into the oasis.

I'm pleased with it now, it certainly looks a lot better. It's given it a new lease of life and I know I shall keep it forever, I treasure it dearly. That's why I'm really, really tired today I worked until this morning and then lay on the sofa with Sue's Candy Ripple Cuddle Hugger and fell asleep until my husband came down at 8.00 am in the morning to get ready to go and watch the British Touring Cars race at Northampton. Guess what....I've had a nice day to myself updating my photos on Flickr and writing this post. Rest today from Crocheting. I really must sort out my wool box and organise myself better that's for another day.
Hubby is on holiday for the next two days, so we may be out and about! I can't sit on here all day when he's at home :(!
Happy Sunday! It's a gorgeous day here again in the UK.
Bye for now.......
Friday, 18 September 2009
Sue and her first Ripple!
Well I'm going to post this photo. Not too good, but here I am this is what I look like :( (Grey hair and all). I can never smile on photos, and my eyes always seem to be closed even on my Wedding photos back in1983. But as my Ripple is finished I thought it might be good for me to have a photo taken with it. So I asked my Husband this morning and he reluctantly took one, he was getting late for work.
I still don't know how to get the photo to follow on after the post. Can anyone help me please? In Layout, there doesn't seem to be an option. I tried to carry this on after 'The Day we met' post, but couldn't. These little things annoy me slightly.
My friend (Garden Bell) over in the USA remarked last night about me getting the hang of my blog. She's right in what she said about a blog being a place for 'mindless rambling'. I certainly do that as I'm sure you will all agree. I lead a quiet life being a 'homemaker', 'housewife' whatever. Apart from my family I have little to talk about, but what I do enjoy is chatting to all my friends in Flickrland about their crafts (and mine), so I suppose my blog is just going to be about that and I suppose what is going on in the world. I have been chatting away about photos in Flickrland and this seems a natural progression to me now, my own blog. I have always wanted my own web-site and have never known how to go about one, as BrendaS2 knows! Somewhere I can post my photos. This is so wicked!! I'm trying to get my best friend to do one now I'm sure she would enjoy it as much as I do.
Oh well, another cup of tea. Someone or something is waiting for me, you will see very soon I hope.

The day we met.
It was a Saturday night and my friend lived 20 plus miles away from me. We were going to our usual Saturday evening dance. I was all dressed up - I can tell you now what I was wearing. A brown tee-shirty top and a long flowery brown maxi skirt, yes right down to the floor. Remember them? I got in my white Hilman Imp and turned the ignition key. Oh dear it was dead. It would just not start. I was so disappointed I desperately wanted my Saturday night out. What could I do? I decided to catch the bus. I changed out of my 'night-club' clothes and put them into an overnight bag. It took me over two hours to get to my friend's house on the bus. I didn't care, I was 21 years of age and I wanted some fun. When I arrived at my friend's house I changed and refreshed my makeup. She then drove to the night club.
We had a few dances together and then along came two good looking chaps. Of course we giggled how young girls do. The one that had the dark hair asked me to dance. I made some silly answer up. I said, 'I'm sorry I can't I've got a wooden leg!'. No you haven't he said. With that we somehow ended up on the dance floor. We instantly hit it off you know.
Then on the Sunday evening the phone rang at home and my Dad answered as I hadn't got back from my friend's house. My Dad relayed the message to me when I arrived back. He said a young man rang I must say he spoke very nice. He said he would ring back. I didn't think he would but he did. We arranged an evening out and during the week he came round to pick me up. I could hear his Volkswagen Beetle coming down the road (they made a hell of a racket). I would be full of nerves (still am! ha.ha.) and I remember been physically sick in the bathroom. I actually lost half a stone when I started going out with him.
Do you know from that day on I have been so happy to be with him. It was indeed fate that we met. I was so determined to get to that dance I desperately wanted to go. Isn't it funny how things happen like that? The funny thing was that he had gone to the dance on his own and so did the other chap they got talking and decided to ask us both to dance. I'm so pleased he did. My life began on that day 18th September 1976. We courted for 5 years, Engaged for 2 years, Married for 27 years. We have two beautiful girls.
Thursday, 17 September 2009
Introducing! Sue's Candy Ripple Cuddle Hugger!
Thursday evening, gosh the week has flown by again! Well celebration day today. My ripple - Sues' Candy Ripple Cuddle Hugger is finished and I'm happy. Happy that's it's worked out well, happy now that I can get on with other things. How many days? 9 I think. That's not slogging away all the time either, just a couple of rows here and then whenever time permits. Like everyone else we all have things to be done, household chores, shops etc., But it's lovely to just sit and watch T.V. and pick up that old 'hooky' and count, count, count! I can now count up to 5! Surprised me too!
It's been quite a nice day here in the UK. So I took the ripple outside this morning to take some shots. I do love to put my Crocheting on my bench when it's finished. I thought the flowers looked quite pretty sitting on all those colours.
So what's next, well you'll have to wait and see.
Thanks to everyone for their support and best wishes while I have been making the ripple.
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Day 9. Just want to cuddle it! - My First Ripple.
I have a few minutes to spare I am waiting for the dinner to cook. We have roast chicken and roast potatoes this evening.
I've had a shop day today, buying bits for my next project. That is telling you that I won't be crocheting this blanket for much longer! Today I just crumbled it all up and put it on the sofa in the conservatory, it looked so cozy and warm sitting there with hook ready to go again. This afternoon I sat in the conservatory and did a little. It was so hot in there the wool was uncomfortable, so I had to move into the lounge. That's where I fell asleep. I shall have to stop this.
I'm pleased to hear that everyone seems to be rippling, it certain does pass away some beautiful hours. So relaxing.....perhaps that's why I fell asleep.
Anyway, apart from that I've been reading the blogs and thinking. Nice to hear from you Brenda and all my other Flickr friends.
'Keep crocheting!'
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Tuesday has nearly gone - New Flickr Galleries.
I'm late with my post. It's getting near my bed time. Just to say the 'Ripple' is getting bigger. I'm nearly there now. Shops tomorrow for more cream wool. Next time I do a large project I'll be sure to have plenty of wool in. I've ran out a few times during this project. When will I learn my lesson?
This morning I had fun and games on Flickr. Has anyone else tried out the new 'Galleries'? Great way to make albums of your favourite pieces of work from Flickr friends. They each hold 18 photos. Nice too that everyone can make comments. I've got some great photos in already and I've made three albums. I had to break away from it as Crocheting called. I desperately wanted to do some work on the blanket today.
I met my daughters for lunch so that was nice today. They both work locally so I can see them at a moment's notice which it literally was. Then visit to my mothers afterwards. Back home for a nice hot chocolate and rippling commenced again. sshh! don't tell.
I'm off to bed now. Nitey nite, don't let the bed bugs bite!
Monday, 14 September 2009
EXPLORE # 311 - Flowers Gardening Show.

EXPLORE # 311 . I took these Alliums especially for mom. She has them in her garden, but not this big! Her favourite colour too!
Originally uploaded by MRS TWINS
Hi, to all.
Thanks everyone for your comments. Nice to see you have been reading me.
After one frustrating weekend on this lap top, I decided today Monday that I must really do some work around this house. So a massive clean and tidy up was undertaken. Don't you just feel good when it's all done. Looks so much better. Then you can enjoy everything else!
Afterwards a trip to Hobby Craft our local craft store two miles away. I picked up a new crocheting hook 4.50 because I can't find my other, some fluffy edging stuff (don't know the name) and a small oasis holder. Now I can't tell you what it's all for just yet. But something is waiting to be 'spruced' up. I've been working with wire lately, that's a clue. Not another Bird Cage though! I shall post some 'before' and 'after' photos when I get round to doing it. Ripple awaits first of all.
Just want to share the photograph at the top of the page with you. This was from my visit to the Gardening Show set at the National Exhibition Centre. Those Alliums were absolutely beautiful, so big aren't they? Mom has them in her garden, one of her favourite flowers. I couldn't resist taking a photograph of them for her. Of course hers are not that big! Gorgeous aren't they?
Short post today, hope you are having a nice day.
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Our Sunday Stroll - Hatton Locks.
Friday, 11 September 2009
An important day for me - Bird Cage.
Thursday, 10 September 2009
Sue's Favourite Things - About Me.
I'm Sue.
Otherwise known on Flickrland as 'Mrs Twins'. I thought of the name because I am married hence 'Mrs' and 'Twins' because I am the proud Mother of identical twin daughters now in their 20's. I have been married to a wonderful man for 26 years and without him I couldn't have had the wonderful life I have had.
Since having our daughters I have been 'a stay at home mom'. I spend my days basically looking after my family and our home. (That's when I can get away from the computer!) ha.ha. I gave up my office job back in 1985 when I left to have my babies. As you can imagine it's been hard work bringing up twins for both me and my husband but we've had a lot of support from our families and the rewards have been plentiful. It has been such a wonderful experience watching two babies grow up together and I have recorded every step of the way in old-fashioned photo albums! I treasure my albums. We have shared such wonderful happy times together and I shall treasure them forever.
In my very first blog ever, I would like to share some of my favourite things. My interests are first of all my family who mean the world to me, but I also love my Piggy collection, Sewing and Crocheting. I've recently joined Flickr and because I've got more time on my hands I've picked up 'the hook' again and started Crocheting. I would at this point like to thank my best friend BrendaS2 (On Flickrland) for giving me such a lot of help with new Crocheting stitches!
So in my next posts I will hopefully be sharing some of my photos with you, and I hope you will enjoy them. Bear with me though this is all so new to me.
Bye for now, Sue