Thursday, 8 April 2010

Vintage Rose Afghan / 'SIBOL' Squares - Updated Slide show.

Hi Everyone!

Such a beautiful day here today in the UK. How's it with you?

I was so busy yesterday I had three lots of Squares come in. It took me all day virtually to photo them and put them onto Flickr and then onto 'SIBOL'. I would like to share with you now the latest Squares that came from West Palm Beach, Florida and Australia.

First of all Helen very kindly sent me some squares. I was saying on 'SIBOL' how terribly worried I was about these Squares. They have taken such a long time arriving. I am always so pleased when they finally hit my door.

Lady Helsie Your Squares have 'finally' arrived this morning! I have been so worried about them. They have taken forever! Coming all the way from Australia! I thought they had got lost! Pleased to say they have arrived safely! Thank you Helen!

Then Marg who also lives in Australia very kindly sent me some blue and white ones. These are most appropriate because you are probably aware that we are starting to collect for the blue and white theme.

Blue and White Squares arrive today from Marg in Australia. Thank you, so pretty!

Aren't both sets just lovely? I really love them both. Thank you so....much.

Those two lots of Squares came in the second post at lunchtime. But earlier on at 8.15 in the morning I found a large parcel in my Porch. Do you want to see what was inside?

Aren't these colours just lovely? Such a fine mixture of colours. I had a great play this morning!

Yes that's right! All those little beauties! 44 in all. Who sent them to me? Linda very kindly sent them to me from West Palm Beach, Florida. Hasn't she been working hard for 'SIBOL'? You're very generous Linda taking the time and trouble to make all these Squares for us. I can't thank you enough.

Linda from Florida sent me 44 Squares! Aren't they fantastic! Beautiful colours! Thank you so much Linda!

The 'sun' theme Challenge finishes 21st April, so please get your Squares in before then.  Then we are going to do a 'Flower' theme Blanket for the Nursing homes.  So if you want to have a look in your Books or on the net for Flowers please do so.  Luna over on 'SIBOL' actually put up a great Flower Square a few posts back. So you might want to check that out.  We haven't set a closing date for the 'Flower' theme one yet. But there's nothing stopping you from having a go if you want to. I hope you will. But if anyone wants to make 'blue and white' ones please feel free because we will be doing that one AFTER the 'Flower' Blanket.


At Lunchtime today (Thursday) I had two more lots of Squares come in.  Brenda over on Flickr very kindly sent me these Squares.

Two Flowery Squares and a lovely Granny Square. Aren't they Lovely? Thanks very much Brenda.

Yellow and Black, Pink and Black Beautiful! Thanks so much!

I also received three Squares from Deb over at Hooks and Yarns in the States. She has a very pretty blog over there I hope you will check her out!
Thank you Deb.

Thank you both very much for the Squares. Here's the Slide Show. Enjoy!

Just before I pop over to 'SIBOL' Could I share this picture with you. Valerie very kindly sent it to me on email and it's just such a wonderful picture from an old Vintage Crocheting Book.
rose_blanket[1] This isn't me! Valerie very kindly sent me this Vintage picture over on email. It was from a really old Crocheting book. Isn't it just wonderful? It could be me though! Yesterdays post

I was wondering whether any of my 'Followers' had old Crocheting Books. We just love looking at these pictures on Flickr and 'SIBOL'. If you have anything that you might like to share please send it to  It might give us some ideas.

Have a good day everyone! Thanks for popping in......


  1. Wow, Sue, this has turned into a full time job for you! What lovely squares everyone is sending you; just goes to show what a lot of talent and generosity there is in the world. I shall send my parcel to you on Saturday - three squares in sunshine colours, and one so far in that lovely Cygnet Silcaress that you so kindly sent me. I must admit, I could get hooked on that wool - it's so lovely to use, isn't it? I contacted Cygnet to see if they would ship to France. They replied almost instantly to say that they didn't, but they gave me two links to companies that sell their yarn and ship to France, so I shall be checking them out sometime soon!

    I hope my squares get to you in time. I can't believe you still get a second post; I thought that had all been stopped in the UK. Mind you, with all those squares arriving thick and fast, you need a second delivery every day!


  2. What lovely squares. Your project is progressing so well. You must be thrilled
    Kindest Regards Linda

  3. You really got a lot of new squares today. Here the mail only comes once a day and not on Saturdays.

  4. The new crop of squares are looking just as wonderful as all the preceeding ones. It really does seem like a full-time job :) Ros

  5. Wow, what a lot you've got, lol! It's refreshing to know that such kindness still abounds in the world. Your photos are always so lovely Sue, which kind of camera do you use?
    Hope you have a great weekend.
    Jak x


Thanks for stopping by!
If there is anything you would like to know about our blankets please mail me
Sue on
Thank you!