Thursday, 21 January 2010

New name for Mrs. Twins maybe 'The Basket Lady!' - 'Show and Tell Friday'.

Hi Everyone,

It's Friday and Welcome to my 'Show and Tell' hosted by Cindy.

I'm going to call myself 'The Basket Lady' from now on. Joke!! Should be actually with the amount of crocheted covers I keep making for them. Well I couldn't resist. Hobby Craft had their New Year sale on and there was a load of these baskets stacked up by the till. I just had to have 'how many?' a couple more !!!!

But you know what? They are so handy. My 'Fireside Basket' sits by my cozy fire in the Lounge holding my current wool for on going projects, My 'Towel Basket' stores my rolled up towels in the Bathroom, My 'Yarn Basket' sits proudly in the Conservatory holding a stash in there.  There is only our Bedroom left and the Kitchen. That's unless my Daughter wants one. I just love doing them so I thought why not.  So I thought I would get to work on the one for our Bedroom 'My Boudoir Basket!'. ha.ha. But you know what? It's so handy by the side of my bed. I can just throw in my bits and pieces you know the odd magazine or two! etc.,

Well here's the basic red Christmas basket. They were £10.00 but they've gone down to half price a fiver!

I couldn't resist buying in the New Year Sale.  (Still plenty left).

I soon started making that ripple. Only 30 rows in two colours pink and white. Then I sewed the edges together with a beautiful large darning needle, oh how I love these needles! To make my 'tubey' I call it. Two bases, one for the outside, one for the inner. Made out of trebles. Grows very quickly.

Three parts to the Crocheted Cover. Rectangle folded and edges sewn. Inner Base and Outer Base.

Once the 'tubey' was made, I brought it up over the basket and folded the top over, you have to make it deep enough to fit up the outside, and then over as far as the inner base.

This is the main body of the basket. Simply a rectangle of ripple crocheted. Edges sewn together and then pulled up and over the basket.

It doesn't look as though it will fit, but it does no problem. Here's the outer base ready to be sewn.

Here's the outside base.

Here's the inner base ready to be sewn.

The inside of the basket taking shape now.

Look at my lovely large darning needle. I do love working with it. I know I'm getting nearer the end.

The outside base is sewn on to the 'tubey' I call it.

Then the inner base has to be sewn.

The inside base is sewn on to the 'tubey'.

Here we are sewing is finished.

The outside base of the Basket.

The inside of the Basket.

A white ribbon is threaded through and a bow made. Just a finishing touch a little pink and butterfly netspets

Introducing!!!! Ta - dah!!  Sue's 'Boudoir Basket!'.

A lot of Pink!

Crocheted Butterfly and Basket.

Crocheted Boudoir Basket and Crocheted Tissue Box Cover.

This tissue box was crocheted years ago using Eyelet Lace. Do you remember 'Craftlon' ladies?

Crocheting for our Bedroom. 'My Boudoir Basket!'.  So handy to throw those Bedroom essentials in!

Now you now 'who' or should I say 'what' I sleep with!!!!  It's beside my bed and it's great to throw my magazines into after a good read.

Happy Thursday everyone, thanks for visiting me again!!

Slideshow 'My Boudoir Basket' - Music - Music Box Lullaby - Time to Sleep - Paul Collier.



  1. Sue!
    Your tadaaaahhh-boudoir-basket looks great!
    Kitchen-basket next?
    ~X~ Karin

  2. I knew you were up to something. You little "THE BASKET LADY"..... perfect name for this charmer. Reminds me of My Fair Lady. So, what are you going to do next. I can't wait to see.

    FYI - I think I fixed my blog button. I learned how to add a scroller with links yesterday. Hope to post how to do all this soon. I would love to add a button for you....I'm thinking yours needs to be the cupcakes or bird cage, but that's just my sillie thought.

    So much reading to catch up on today.

    Kate xoxoxox

  3. WOW! That's quick work! Your boudoir basket looks really lovely. Pretty! I ripped back my 'ripple' 3 times already!!! GGGRRRR! Can't get the edges right. Need the weekend to arrive, so I can concentrate on it, rather than trying when I'm brain dead after a day ib=n my classroom :) Enjoy the weekend! Ros

  4. Oh wow - that looks great and I think I need a few in my house (especially next to the bed!!) Just showed my hubby and he said I definately needed one!!! - must keep a look out for some baskets next time I venture near someplace that sells them.

  5. I'm always amazed how fast you can complete these lovely projects.
    Jak (Miss Twin) x

  6. Sue, I'm not sure we will call you the Basket Lady cause you do such a beautiful job of your baskets... but I think you might be a bit of a 'basket case'... ha ha... said with tongue in cheek... luv... B

  7. hello,

    that is very nice.

    greatings conny

    very lovely


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