Hi Everyone on Friday!
I am so late with everything this week. The weather here has been dreadful. I've had to shovel the snow off the drive three times. Walked up the road and fell down twice. Wednesday I did nothing but lay on my sofa after falling all cuddled up with my Fireside Blanket. Boy, did it come in handy! I just could not get warm! Well I'm pleased to say we've now had rain, and the snow is thawing. What a week we've had. Even Mr. Twin couldn't get up our hill with his new company car and had to walk to work. I'm aching all over, probably a combination of the fall and the shovelling. So pleased it's the weekend now.

Thank you all so .....much for comments on my 'Clio Car Cozy', very nice of you all. Yes, everyone seemed to like the colours, me too. I do apologise to everyone that has sent me comments and emails, I'm trying to get through them as fast as I can. But as I say I've been behind with everything.
Last night I was looking at a book I picked up at Christmastime, in W.H. Smith. I thought you might like to see these Crocheting through the Decade pictures. They just amused me. Then at the end of the post I have posted some photos for Kate she was talking about eight tracks in one of her previous posts. Do you remember them? Mr. Twin still has his at home believe it or not in the shed. He just won't throw it away! It's all dusty Kate but you will see it. Also she was talking about records through the decade. It brought back so many memories of when I was young walking across the park with my friend wearing what we called our 'Cow bells!'. (Hippy Days!). Well here is a photo of my bell as well. I still have it here to look at and remember my younger days.
I must say at this point thank you so much for the squares which are on their way to me. I will let you know when they arrive. If anyone is new to my blog. This year I am trying to get some blankets made for the Elderly. As my Grandmother lived to the very fine age of 103 the Elderly are very dear to my heart. I have spoken about this in one of my previous posts. If you'd like to check it out you are most welcome. Thank you everyone.
Well there's a lot of Decade pictures today, I hope you'll have a smile and think about which decade you started crocheting in! I'll be most interested.
I started Crocheting in the 1970's with my friend Caroline. While we sat in the Domestic Science room waiting for our food to cook the Teacher allowed us to do our Crocheting! We made Cardigans and blankets.
What year did you start Crocheting?
How did you start Crocheting?
Did you teach yourself, or did someone show you?
Or sadly, can't you crochet yet?
Mr Twins' Eight Track player Kate! Bit Dusty, just out of the shed for you.
Here's my 'Cow Bell!' for The Garden Bell. Kate.
Oh! there's one other thing I'm in need of help with. Can anyone please tell me how to get my side bar back! My list of Blog favourites has disappeared. It's been like this all week now. That's making me late getting round everyone. Thank you!
Have a good weekend everyone, and thanks for your concern, you are all such wonderful friends to me. Chat soon x
OK, silly girl with the big cow bell on. What is this I'm reading about you taking a tumble outside. I told you not to wear those high heels stilitos when shoveling. Seriously, I hope you are doing much better.
ReplyDeleteCan't stay long they are walking the new tub in as I type this line. So, I'm running for now.
Have a great relaxing weekend and stay in and stay warm.
Probably will try for the 99th on Sunday, with the drawing up on Monday. I did just figure out how to make a button for other's to add to their page for quick reference. Let me know what you think. I can try to make you one or send the directions. Not sure about the final picture yet.
Oooooops, gotta run they are calling.
Gosh haven't got round to sending my squares yet...I'll make a few more and then post them all together in one package:-)
ReplyDeleteLike you It was way back in the 70's and there was an article in my mothers weekly magazine, Woman's Weekly, about how to crochet a granny square. I saved my megre pocket money up and brought a hook and taught myself then begged for all my mum's old ends of balls and set to making a set of 6 cushion covers for the cushions in our living room. I have crocheted on and off for the rest of my life. I began crocheting more regularly when I became ill and had to retire early due to ill health.
Take care,
I am unsure what year it would have been...?I was born in 1971 and I have always known how to crochet.
ReplyDeleteOne of my earliest memories is of sitting with my nana and her patiently teaching me how to make a granny square 'scrap' rug. Which I continued to add a row or so to everytime I was bored my whole teenage years.
My nana never used to end rows she used to just go round and round!
In 1989 I was pregnant with my first child... With that came the urge to create lots of warm snuggly things for my unborn child. I taught myself how to crochet rows... how to do stitches other than the basics and I LOVED IT!!!
I couldn't stop...
After my son was born I started making little baby jackets and selling them in a local art and craft shop on commission... from this I started to sell my work in 2 shops and then at local markets.
After a year or so of having to produce the same thing over and over - I hit crochet burn out :( sad but true...
I am only now beginning to crochet again.
Take Care - hugs Chars x
Hope you're recovering from your falls! The snow down here in Norfolk is almost gone now and life is very much back to normal. I started crocheting back in the early 1970's, in my teens. I made loads of granny square blankets. I have a mat crocheted from fine cotton on our bedroom windowsill. I made that in about 1975 or 6. I'll have to blog it!:)I did no more until about eighteen months ago. Last year was the year of knitting and this year is looking like the year of crochet! Enjoy your weekend! Ros
ReplyDeleteSuch a fun post! I love your 8 track! I have visited Attic 42, such great ideas. I am going to make a popcorn and cranberry garland I saw there. Crocheted popcorn! Who knew! E
ReplyDeleteHope you are OK and not really hurt from those falls. I'm sure you've had enough snow now but you still have a way to go till it starts to warm up don't you?
ReplyDeleteSnuggling up with your rug and the fire sounds nice - it's 32 C here but there is a little breeze to fan you a bit.
I started in the middle 1990's in my teens, my mother had taught me when I was a child and suddenly that year (94 or 95) I felt like "creating something" on my own like she did. I made her a doily from a crochet magazine that she still keeps.
ReplyDeleteBut I didn't look like that 1990's picture shown at all! ;-)
Olá, o tempo por aqui também está horrivel, está-se bem no sofá coberta com uma mantinha, lol. Eu comecei a fazer crochet na decada de 70, tinha apenas 5 anos, aprendi com as minhas irmãs mais velhas, mas só nos anos 80 é que comecei a fazer trabalhos a sério, bom domingo, bjos doces
ReplyDeleteI learned crocheting at the age of 8, 9.
ReplyDeleteI started crocheting curtains in the 70's. Don't know the year. 3 or 4 years I crocheted a lot of white and off-white things.
I got the virus again last august....
See my blog and you know that crocheting today is about colour, colour and colour
I love it. And I love the way we blog and share our photo's and thoughts.
~X~ Karin
Firstly, take care and no more falls. We need longer to recover these days - well I do anyway.
ReplyDeleteFirst started crocheting very early 70's (only remember this as a primary school friend made a comment recently). I was more a knitter back then. Mum only knits, so I did too. But she never taught me either cause she was left-handed, so I must have taught myself from books :-) that would be obvious if you know my love of books.
Glad my warm thoughts are slowly helping the warm up of the snow, but now you will complain of the mud and slime :-)
I think I must have learned to crochet right about 1970. My cousin taught me to knit when I was 11 and it was not too long after that I taught myself to crochet. I've loved doing it ever since. I do still love to knit also. They both are one of the great pleasures of my life. Hope you warm up soon! Twyla
ReplyDeleteHi Sue - Im late to this post - I hope you are making a good recovery! I started crocheting in the early 70's a friend of mine was trying to make a poncho so i decided too but everyone tried to teach me left handed because I am left handed but I crochet right handed finally I was sitting in the waiting room of the vets with my mum and our dog and I was there with my hook and yarn and a lady showed me a chain and a treble and I was away! I must have been 11 or 12 and I soon finished a poncho! Take Care Sue! by the way I have updated my blog but no piccies today sadly! x
Ohhh Sue I do hope you are OK & feeling somewhat better by this... I'm a tad late here but so sorry to hear of your falling... snow or ice is not too soft to fall into I'm told either... You go steady there my Friend...
ReplyDeleteI got a good laugh about the bell you & your friend wore when walking... ummm was it so the boys could find you or for when you got lost... ha ha
Ohh I think it was in the 60's that I learnt to crochet... just a tad to long ago to remember exactly...
Get well... B