Hi Everyone!
I'm recovering today. I went out last night with my four Friends who live by me. I was asked to go and see Calendar Girls. Well if you live in the UK and the play is on by you I would thoroughly recommend you going. It was such a laugh but at the same time it had an extremely sad side to it. Everyone who took part were absolutely fantastic. Of course the theatre was full of middle-aged women with small numbers of both younger Ladies and indeed some a lot older than us. It was so hot in there. You would have thought as we were around the meno-pausal age they'd have the air-conditioning on wouldn't you! There were a few of us who were indeed just a little bit hot under the collar so to speak.
It was nice everyone was dressed up in their best frocks and you could see that they were all having a laugh. We had an icecream at the interval which in my books was pretty expensive at £2.50 each, but it was a refreshment and it was lovely. You can tell I don't go out much! We actually went to the Chinese Restaurant next door first of all and we had a nice meal. I had Chicken in Plum Sauce it was delicious but I couldn't eat all of it I only managed half. I had a beer too, I know I don't usually drink at all. But we did go in a taxi there and back so I thought why not. It was a Chinese Beer and it was gorgeous. Of course where-ever you go in the UK for a meal something has to go wrong. First of all they bought myself and my friend sitting next to me 'soup' which we hadn't ordered, that had to go back. Then we waited simply ages for our main course. By the time our food came my other two friends had finished their meal. So it was rather a 'cock up' so to speak. It happens in the UK I'm afraid we have problems with meals and service.
Anyway, the four of us had a giggle. We enjoyed the meal and the theatre and it was a lovely night out. Pity when I got back at nearly 11.00pm I found a mountain of washing up in the sink. Talk about spoiling a Girls Night Out! Nevermind, I instantly got back into washer upper mode after I had got out of my best clothes!
Next time we are off to see River Dance as it's coming back to the local theatre I think later on in the year so I'll look forward to another Ladies Night Out!
Well back to business. I have decided to only put my SIBOL Squares onto SIBOL. I am terribly sorry if I have been boring anyone on here. The purpose of SIBOL was to showcase our SIBOL Squares so I'll put them on there in the future. But I was hoping I suppose that if you are visiting 'Mrs Twins' it might inspire you to join in the fun if you saw the beautiful Squares I have coming in. It's so much fun and I am enjoying every minute.
So I think in future I will just show you my Ta - Dah's for SIBOL and keep the Squares for my other blog. Does that make sense? Sorry if I have been bombarding you with SIBOL. It's just that SIBOL has sort of taken over my existence it's given me such a wonderful purpose and I get so....excited about it. I just wanted to share with you.
Here's my Flower Blanket No. 2 which is my 16th SIBOL Blanket for the Elderly.
Thanks to everyone that has sent me in Flower Squares. If you haven't see yours, you will, so please keep looking out for the next ones. I hope you like the Flower Blanket.
I'm off to check the blogs then beddie byes!
I've had some great Squares come in from Arien156 Singapore today. Here's the link over to SIBOL. I've made Arien156 a Slide Show. Also some facts today about 'Our Beloved SIBOL!'.
Have a lovely evening everyone!