Tuesday, 29 June 2010

My Night Out and a Ta - Dah! Introducing SIBOL No. 16 /Wednesdays Squares Singapore.

Hi Everyone!

I'm recovering today.  I went out last night with my four Friends who live by me.  I was asked to go and see Calendar Girls. Well if you live in the UK and the play is on by you I would thoroughly recommend you going. It was such a laugh but at the same time it had an extremely sad side to it. Everyone who took part were absolutely fantastic.  Of course the theatre was full of middle-aged women with small numbers of both younger Ladies and indeed some a lot older than us.  It was so hot in there.  You would have thought as we were around the meno-pausal age they'd have the air-conditioning on wouldn't you! There were a few of us who were indeed just a little bit hot under the collar so to speak.

It was nice everyone was dressed up in their best frocks and you could see that they were all having a laugh. We had an icecream at the interval which in my books was pretty expensive at £2.50 each, but it was a refreshment and it was lovely.  You can tell I don't go out much!  We actually went to the Chinese Restaurant next door first of all and we had a nice meal.  I had Chicken in Plum Sauce it was delicious but I couldn't eat all of it I only managed half. I had a beer too, I know I don't usually drink at all. But we did go in a taxi there and back so I thought why not. It was a Chinese Beer and it was gorgeous.  Of course where-ever you go in the UK for a meal something has to go wrong.  First of all they bought myself and my friend sitting next to me 'soup' which we hadn't ordered, that had to go back.  Then we waited simply ages for our main course. By the time our food came my other two friends had finished their meal.  So it was rather a 'cock up' so to speak.  It happens in the UK I'm afraid we have problems with meals and service.

Anyway, the four of us had a giggle. We enjoyed the meal and the theatre and it was a lovely night out.  Pity when I got back at nearly 11.00pm I found a mountain of washing up in the sink. Talk about spoiling a Girls Night Out! Nevermind, I instantly got back into washer upper mode after I had got out of my best clothes!

Next time we are off to see River Dance as it's coming back to the local theatre I think later on in the year so I'll look forward to another Ladies Night Out!

Well back to business. I have decided to only put my SIBOL Squares onto SIBOL. I am terribly sorry if I have been boring anyone on here. The purpose of SIBOL was to showcase our SIBOL Squares so I'll put them on there in the future. But I was hoping I suppose that if you are visiting 'Mrs Twins' it might inspire you to join in the fun if you saw the beautiful Squares I have coming in. It's so much fun and I am enjoying every minute.

So I think in future I will just show you my Ta - Dah's for SIBOL and keep the Squares for my other blog. Does that make sense? Sorry if I have been bombarding you with SIBOL. It's just that SIBOL has sort of taken over my existence it's given me such a wonderful purpose and I get so....excited about it. I just wanted to share with you.

Here's my Flower Blanket No. 2 which is my 16th SIBOL Blanket for the Elderly.

Thanks to everyone that has sent me in Flower Squares. If you haven't see yours, you will,  so please keep looking out for the next ones.  I hope you like the Flower Blanket.

I'm off to check the blogs then beddie byes!


I've had some great Squares come in from Arien156 Singapore today. Here's the link over to SIBOL. I've made Arien156 a Slide Show. Also some facts today about 'Our Beloved SIBOL!'.

Have a lovely evening everyone!

Saturday, 26 June 2010

Saturday Squares

Hi Everyone!

Well the weekend has started and it's hot once again.  Do you know I think I am a 'winter person'. I just love to sit in front of the fire and snuggle up.  This heat gets to me and I find it so uncomfortable to crochet. I can't believe that we had all that terrible snow at the beginning of the year and we longed for the summer.  Now its' here I'm moaning because it's too hot.....  I think I need some 'Strawberries and Cream'.  Let's see if I have any.......

Well yes thats right I certainly do have some 'Strawberries and Cream'.  These Squares are good enough to eat. Jenfur 43 very kindly sent them to me for the Challenge.  Aren't they just wonderful, so tempting! You have made a brilliant job I really love them thank you!

I'm going to show you the Squares that I have had come in today.  BrendaS2 has very kindly made me some Squares and they are full of wonderful colours. They are so pretty. I just love them. There's a few I can use for the Flower Challenge still which I am working on and the others can be fitted in to. So please have a look at Brenda's Slide Show. I hope you enjoy looking at them as I do....

Brenda and Jenfur43 thank you so much. Have a good weekend everyone!

Thursday, 24 June 2010

South African Squares arrive with Squares from the UK!

Hi On Thursday!

It's so nice to pop in today. I've had such wonderful Squares come in and I wanted to share them with you.
Rachael and her Mom sent some in from the UK, and also Jen from South Africa.  Such lovely Squares for the 'Blue and White' Challenge. We are indeed getting some great Squares come in. Please take a look at them now in my Slide Show.

It never fails to amaze me how each person can make such a 'unique' Square! I think Squares definitely show the personality of the person who made them. I can't thank you all enough for the gorgeous Squares and I do hope you have popped over to Flickr to take a look and also SIBOL.  Have a lovely evening everyone!

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Wednesday 'still busy'........

Hello Everyone!

Well the footie is on again at the moment. I wonder how England will do today? I'm not that impressed are you? Just got it on in the background while I write today's post. Not a lot to say really EXCEPT I've been extremely busy with Squares this week. They are flying........in!

Today I received three lots of Squares. Each one of them so pretty. Do you want to see?

I've made one Slide Show covering three sets of Squares. Pertinitaco (Flickr) very kindly sent me some from Spain, then we have Gibraltar Louises' Squares from Gibraltar and finally Isolde from the Netherlands.

Please enjoy the Slide Show. OMG they have just scored! Well about time!!
Sorry getting slightly carried away here.......

Here goes.......

A gorgeous selection of Squares, I hope you have enjoyed looking at them.
Have a good day and let's hope England don't fall back now!

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Still catching up today.....

Hi Everyone,

Just popping in to say hi! Not much time to stop today, I'm still running around doing my chores. Gosh it's taking me forever to catch up this week.

I do love having my Husband at home but even having a day out, can throw you all behind. Please forgive me......

Two packages of Squares today. Germany and the UK.

Farruska(Flickr) very kindly sent me some Squares from herself and her Mother, how cool is that? I'm so grateful. I think it's particularly nice when Mother and Daughter make SIBOL Squares together! They are all so pretty please take a look. Please thank you Mother too Farruska!

Also I have Margaret's Squares from the UK. Margaret has made a Square for the 'Strawberries and Cream' Challenge, 'Flower Challenge/Blue and White' I shall probably use it for the Flower Square it is so pretty. Also she sent a 'Picture Square' and a lovely Granny Square. I just love Grannies.
Thank you Margaret. I just love the Squares.

All three Ladies today share a Slide Show on 'Mrs Twins'. Enjoy!

Monday, 21 June 2010

Monday again,.....

Hi Everyone!

First chance I've had today to pop over to 'Mrs Twins'. Mr. Twins' goes back to work tomorrow. You all know what it's like when our other halves are at home. It's nice to have them here, but your routine gets slightly disrupted!

Anyway, we've been to Chester and to Bakewell. We've had a night out last Friday at our favourite Indian Restaurant which we both enjoyed and managed to do other bits and pieces too, odd jobs you might say. Like searching for a new loo seat. Mr. Twins sat on it and it cracked. We've had the bathroom suite now for 6 years and I think it must have weakened over the years, because he sat on it and it's cracked in half! I thought I was the only one that these things happen to! Anyway, three toilet seats later......He's actually done now what I mentioned in the first place. Why don't you go back to the Bathroom shop where we bought it from, tell them the name of the suite and see if they can order one. Well finally this afternoon he's done just that. So hopefully in a weeks time we will be sorted. It's the top bit that's cracked the lid part. Yes, this will be the fourth because he kept buying different ones from B & Q, Homebase etc., and they just wouldn't fit. No, I'm not cross, at least I didn't break them this time.

What else? umm....This afternoon it was so beautiful after I took Marion119 photographs of her beautiful Squares we sat outside on that white bench I often take a photo of and we had a cream tea together. I bought some Scones and Cream from Tesco and we had a nice mug of tea out in the Garden. Well he goes back to work tomorrow and we was hoping to go out to lunch today, but we didn't have time, so it was a last treat for him. Yes, we had a nice week and the weather hasn't been too bad at all. Now tomorrow I will be back on my own with my friends and my hook!

Talking of hooks....I haven't had much time to crochet this week, but I plan to change that tomorrow.

Oh! I managed to pick up my photo frame too from the framing shop. Unfortunately Mr. Twins' knocked if off the wall a few weeks ago. I took it into the shop to have some new glass replaced. All is well now it's back on the wall. 'Mindless Ramblings - vital piece of information'.

I think that's about all....Not too much of an exciting week but at least I've got out the house and seen some of the beautiful English Countryside. I did panic at one point though up in the Derbyshire Dales when the sat nav took us round in a circle! We had to laugh!

Anyway, back to business.

Marion 119 very kindly sent me some Squares today. I have made a Slide Show so I hope you will enjoy looking at them. Thank you so much I really appreciate your help. They are so pretty and I will be able to use them quite easily in the Challenges. So thank you!

Here goes, until next time bye....

Saturday, 19 June 2010

Squares from 'Down Under!'.

Hi Everyone!

Just popping in to 'Mrs Twins' to show you Margarets' Squares. Margaret lives in a wonderful part of the world Australia. She's very kindly sent me some Squares for our SIBOL Project and it's a real pleasure to receive them.

As you know I go out into my Garden to take some photos. Lucky today it's not raining here. Bit cold though.

I know you all take such an interest in the SIBOL Squares so I hope you enjoy looking at Margaret's!

Thanks so much Margaret for sending them to me.

Friday, 18 June 2010

Our Wedding Anniversary today! SIBOL Squares from UK and Canada!

Hi Everyone!

We both celebrate our 27th Wedding Anniversary today. Gosh! where does the time fly to! Enjoyed every minute too. Thank you Mr. Twins' Love ya!

Mr & Mrs Twins' celebrate their 27th  Wedding Anniversary today. No need to buy real flowers Mr. Twins!

We're going out to our favourite Curry restaurant tonight where I have my usual curry, which is Onion Bhajis, with Chicken Malaya and Rice. So the diet goes to pot tonight, who cares..... Come back and sit down and do my favourite thing which is.......'Hooky!', while watching the rubbish on TV. Mr. Twins' will get back in and fall asleep as he usually does.....

Anyway,I had some wonderful Squares today some from Pippa.S. (UK off the MSE Forum) and Bonnie in Canada. Now Bonnie if you are visiting could you email me please. I can't seem to put my fingers on your email address and I so want to thank you! sueatpigsty@talktalk.net

I have made you Pippa.S and Bonnie a Slide Show of your Squares, thank you so much. If you want to stop the Slide Show click on the photo. Have a good weekend!

Gorgeous Squares thank you both so...much!

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Ta - Dah! Introducing the SIBOL 'Flower Power' Blanket.

Hi Everyone!

I have a Ta - Dah ! today.......
My first Flower Blanket for SIBOL.
Each Blanket holds 25 Squares and each Square belongs to a different Friend.  Unfortunately, I could not fit everyone in of course, so there are a few of you who couldn't quite make it.  But you will definitely be in the next one.  It is planned out ready so please be patient!

I had great fun doing the 'Flower Theme' Blanket and it's really nice to see we have 25 different varities of Flowers from all over the World.  All different designs and colours.

Here's my Slide Show for the first Flower Blanket.  It's called 'Flower Power!'.

Thanks to everyone who sends me Squares for SIBOL. But special
 thanks to the Friends who have taken part in this Flower Challenge.
 The Squares are all so beautiful, thank you!

Monday, 14 June 2010

My Yarn Day! :)

Hi Everyone!

I hope you all enjoyed the weekend!  Mr. Twins is on holiday this week and he said it would be okay to go up to  Abakhan in Stoke-On-Trent to have a look at the Wool/Yarn. I still tend to call it Wool sorry....
Anyway,  we left about 9.30am and it took us about 1 1/2 hours to get there. I took advantage of the travelling time and took my first Flower Blanket with me, can't waste valuable time!!  I'm sure we all do it.... A sneak preview!!.....

When we arrived at Stoke-On-Trent  the ticket machine was out of order so we put a note in the Car window.  (Just thought I'd tell you that 'vital piece' of information ha.ha.!).

Anyway, Mr. Twins would not move without setting his sat nav to find the shop! I ask you what are they like? He stood there for a good 5 minutes setting the thing up. We were only 'walking' there! I kept saying theres no need for that.....It's only round the corner. So I got my way we walked without the  'sat nav'  and lo and behold we just had to walk up to Marks and Spencers turn left, turn right and the store was on the Corner.  What did I say? I told you so..... We really had a giggle about it, and he won't mind me telling you!! I can't blame him really because we had never been to Stoke-On-Trent before and he does like to know where he is going.

Anyway, we found the shop, walked in and I thought oh my goodness Mr. Twins has bought me all this way and the shop is awlful.  There was dress material, curtain material just thrown about anywhere. It was rather like when shops have sales and all the goods are just thrown about, you know what I mean! I do like order, do you? I do like everything to be in its proper place.  As you first went in there was a material department, buttons, bows etc.,  Then we walked into the Craft Department slightly more organised. Mr. Twins found the Wool Department. Well I was amazed at the stock they had in there.  I was just overcome with all those lovely 'woolly' feelings you get!

First of I looked at the bargain stands.  A lot of the wool I think was probably discontinued but most of it was buy one, get one free! Priced at £6.99 a bag of 12. Of course there were other ones which were not, and they were £7.99 for a bag of 12.

I bought these balls.....I've taken a photo to show you.  Now as I have said to Pilar, Elizabeth Cat and many others I haven't really seen much of this stuff in the local Hobby Craft so to me it was 'gold'. It really does make such a lot of difference to Squares I think (even though you know I love ALL Squares I have to say).

I took lots of time to look around they had a really good selection of Wool there, but I didn't buy anymore. Well when I say 'I', I have to say I didn't buy it......Can you guess who bought it for me?  My Dear Hubby Mr. Twins said he wanted to treat me!! It was such a big bag  of Wool too! Wanna see? It's our 27th Wedding Anniversary on Friday and it was a pressie from him to me.

We got back in to the Car and everything was okay, no parking ticket or anything so we set back on our way. We travelled on to Bakewell where the tarts come from and found a lovely little Tea Shop called 'Lavender Tea Rooms'

 where we had this.........

Beautiful piece of Bakewell Tart and a nice cup of English Tea in a nice China cup and Saucer! The Waitress was dressed up and so was the Waiter and they had Antiques displayed on the walls which you could actually buy. You know the sort of things Old Mirrors, China plates, display items.......

After the refreshments and looking round the shops we walked on down past the river......

back to the car.  I have to say it was a lovely day out together.  We don't go out too much these days on our own there is always something going on back at home.  Would I go again to Abakhan? I would for the Wool definitely.  I thought a really good variety of Wool and very reasonably priced.  Of course you can visit their web site because you can order on-line.

I did some Crocheting on the way back too until I fell asleep in the car, but when I got back there was a surpise in my porch! Now if you want to know what it was, a clue is 'something to do with SIBOL!'.  So if you want to know you'll have to pop over to my 'spin-off' blog  SIBOL and take a look for yourselves!

I had to wear my jumper today because I was freezing!

Bye for now,

Sunday, 13 June 2010

My New Bird Cage

Hi Everyone!

It's 4.36am to be precise.......I'm up still, I haven't gone to bed...... I don't think I'll bother now actually. Both Little Miss Twins  (both of them) went out to the local pub last night to watch the Football Match with their Friends. they went out at 5.00pm and after the match they went back to Friends and then went on 'clubbing'. So they've been out all night coming back in at 3.30am. Quite a nice quiet hooky evening.   I didn't mean to stop up I was on the verge of going to bed I was so sleepy  hooking away. Then Mr. Twin found a film to watch so I for some reason started watching that and then I had a new lease of life.  You all know how it is! I had been sitting there all night watching him flick from one channel to the next, so annoying isn't it? We've gone back to Virgin this week to see if there is anything on there to watch.  Freeview is fine, but it's pretty basic.  I don't know about you but every Saturday night when you want to sit down to  watch a film or something half decent there is never anything on.  So that's why we changed to Virgin. But I have to say nothing really on to night probably because the TV schedule has all changed due to the Football. We drew then......

Anyway, after the second lease of life appeared, I had the urge to go upstairs and bring down my new Bird Cage.  I did mention last week that I had been to the new 'Home Sense' store here in the UK.  They do have some really lovely things there, everything for the home. Bed Linen, Furniture, Decorative Garden Ware, Mirrors, Ornaments  etc.,  I have to say they are all pretty cheap too. 

Now the Bird Cage I have in the Conservatory was around £25.00 from a local Garden Centre last year. But while walking around 'Home Sense' I spotted a Bird Cage which I thought would be ideal for our Lounge. Well I did say last week I had bought something but didn't say what.  Well today I will show you.

I have made some Butterflies from our dear Nettie and the Birdie was based on Lucy's Birdie, although my Birdie wasn't copied from her instructions, I just put it together. Do you want to see?

While out at the new Homestore last week I bought a new Bird Cage for only a tenner! Thought I'd pretty it up 'as I do'. Lucy's Birdie and Netties Butterflies!

Lucy's Birdie with Elizabeth Cats Gold Thread, my Birdie enjoys his new Bird Cage.

I made the Butterflies from Nets Pets - Thank you Nettie.  They were actually made just before Christmas and also the Birdie was based on Lucy's Birdie.

I've put together three strips of my first Flower Blanket tonight and it's looking quite good......

Nite all, Morning all, (whatever!)

Friday, 11 June 2010

Enjoy your World Cup Everyone!

Hi Everyone on Friday!

Well the weekend is fast approaching. Special weekend as the World Cup starts.  Now I'm not a Footie Fan but when England are playing and everyone has their Flags hanging from buildings, cars etc.,  I thought why not get into the World Cup Spirit.  So I went to the Supermarket and bought some cheapy flags.  They are meant for cars really but I broke the ends off and stuck them in my plants.  I remember the last World Cup decorating my Garden up.  I don't go to town like lots of people but I do like sticking a few Flags in my containers and baskets outside.

One thing I am always amazed at is the supermarkets and how people flood in there  to stock up on the usual junky food in time for the World Cup! You know the sort of thing Lagers, Crisps, Pizzas. The  shelves are full with this sort of stuff. We as a family are healthy eaters, lots of fruit, vegetables.  No chips, no burgers, no pizzas,not even the occasional packet of crisps. But generally we don't eat the take away sorts of things.  My two daughters are very healthy conscious working out at the gym every night for 1 1/2 hours and really watch everything that goes into their mouths.  You know counting the calories, avoiding the junk.  Well I'm pleased to say they both have beauitful figures but I do remember around the age of 11 they were both quite chubby. 

I remember them coming home from Infants School bringing children to tea.  In those days we would often have Chips, Chicken Nuggets, pizzas.  I suppose that was how their weight was put on. I suppose too me going to a Slimming Club I know what is good for you and what is bad for you.  They are aware now, probably though at times too fussy.  But generally we do avoid the 'junk'. You probably think we are miseries! I suppose it would have been different if we had two sons in the family instead of two girls!
I have only about 4 pounds to go now to I get to my target weight. It's been so slow and my heart hasn't really been in it, but I'm gettiing there. So I won't be eating any naughties! Not that I would want them.

Anyway,  I do hope my Friends in America are looking forward to the match with England.  I will probably sit down to watch it and do a bit of my favourite thing at the same time also.  So....let the best men win!
I hope everyone visiting my blog from all over the World will enjoy the event.

I'll wish you all a Happy Weekend.  OOh, nearly forgot.....Mr. Twins is on holiday next week, so we are going out for some rides in the day.  So......if I'm quiet you know why.  But hopefully I'll be able to check things as and when I can! I've asked him to take me up to Abakan (where they sell yarn!!!! :) )  That should be fun.

I'll leave you with my England Flags!! Happy time Everyone visiting 'Mrs Twins!'. Thank you!


Carmen's Squares came in from Spain this morning. They are so pretty. Such beautiful colours and beautiful patterns. I love taking photos for you all to see!
Please enjoy her Slide Show.......
Here you are Carmen........and Thank you!

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Ta - Dah's! All three of them! The final three 'Sun themed Blankets!'.

Hello Everyone!

I thought you might like to see the final three Ta - Dah's of the Sun themed Blankets. 

I've made you a Slide show. I've had such fun doing these Sun themed Blankets and I'd like to thank
everyone who has helped me! They have been the most beautful Squares and I have really enjoyed working with them!  So thank you!