Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Good afternoon and thanks for visiting 'Mrs Twins' today!

I have had a lovely morning today. A few days ago Irene our 90 year old SIBOLETTE telephoned me to say that she had made some more Squares, so I arranged to visit her this morning. It's always a pleasure to pop round and have a chat with her, I think she looks forward to the company too. It's always nice when you can  share an interest. Although I do not knit Irene takes such an interest in our work. She is amazed at how many blankets we have made now. What a lovely pastime for her. She has trouble reading but Knitting is fine but not in the dark colours she tells me. Today she even walked to her cupboard and showed me her stash. I did take along some wool to keep her going too. There were two bags of Knitted Squares to bring home today, one from her and one from Pat her friend which I will show you. I explained how I show her Squares on the web site and  how I talk about her to the Ladies in the Group . Dear Sally has helped me such a lot in the past assembling them and for this I am very grateful to her. Yesterday if you remember I showed you two blankets which she had put together using Squares from Irene. They really turned out well.

Irene lives in the centre of Solihull very near to the Hospital. She lives in Sheltered accommodation in fact a lovely little Bungalow. She is surrounded by Ladies and Gents of similar age and I asked her a few weeks ago  if anyone would like a blanket. She said she thought four people would like one so I have been getting them ready. Four blankets came in the other day from Annie and her Knitting Group and as soon as they came in I asked Annie if that was okay. Irene loved the blankets and she is going to give them out for us. She tells me that she really loves the one I gave to her some months ago. She uses it in the evening when she gets a bit chilly. It's such a pleasure to speak to her and actually it's funny  because she also is a Mother of Twin daughters like myself, so we have had lovely chats about our Daughters growing up. Irene is the Mother of June who runs Solihull Craft Group where I did the talk some months ago.

These are the blankets that I took round today.


Irene loved them and these are the Squares that she made.


Pat has been busy too! Thank you Pat.


Sally tells me that the Squares are lovely to work with.

Would you like to see our 90 year old SIBOLETTE?

I would like to introduce you to Irene.

Here's 'Irene' our 90 year old SIBOLETTE.

Irene finds making Squares very relaxing. They are easy to hold and store and it's something you can pick up whenever you like. She loves our project and keeps asking me  'Is it okay if I make you some more?' Yes Irene please do. We are certainly churning out some beautiful blankets with your help. Thank you!

Crocheting and Knitting helps us through the hardest of times whether
we have time to spare like Irene or whether we have to sit down for most of the day due to a health problem.

Why not make a Square for our Group?

Please contact me
Sue on if you would like to join us.

We require 6" Crocheted or Knitted Squares
Acrylic yarn if possible.
Any colour, any design.

All Squares will be made into Blankets for the Elderly in Nursing Homes/Care Homes/
Sheltered accommodation etc., 

Here's our SIBOL BLOG Link. 

Thanks for visiting today!

x Sue x 

1 comment:

  1. Olá, adoro visitar o seu blogue, tem sempre trabalhos tão delicados e com cores maravilhosas. Adorei conhecer esta linda senhora de 90 anos, é admirável como ainda faz quadrados tão lindos, obrigada por nos apresentar :-)
    Bjos doces


Thanks for stopping by!
If there is anything you would like to know about our blankets please mail me
Sue on
Thank you!