Hello Everyone!
Thanks to everyone that has been visiting 'Mrs Twins' and has left me comments, I am most grateful to you. I am so pleased you like the Blankets. Your comments are very much appreciated thank you!
Many thanks also to everyone that sent me in Squares for the 'Strawberries and Cream' Challenge. I have now finished the third of four Blankets in this set. There is one more to do in this set and I am desperately trying to get this set finished so I can give them out. Thanks Beverley - one of your little Flowers attached to the Blanket, can you see it? Lovely!
The Jan Eaton Blanket has also been started and as soon as I have finished the next (and last) Blanket in this set I will devote my time to that one. I know you are eager to send in a Square for the next 26 to 50, but I need to get to where I want to be. I hope you understand.
So without further a do, here's the third 'Strawberry and Cream' Blanket. Any ideas for names Ladies?

Here's my Slide Show for you.
Have a good week everyone and thank you!