Hello Everyone!
How are you all? Well I'm very pleased to say I have my 'cookie' problem solved. I haven't been able to sign in to Flickr and Blogland very well because my 'cookie' settings were not 'set correctly!'. I didn't even know what a cookie was. I thought it was something you ate! I have had such a frustrating time this week. When Mr. Twins came home this evening I said 'please can you help me, I can't speak to my friends!'. Well he sat down and in a couple of minutes I was working flat out again! So there you are. If you are having trouble signing in whether it be Flickr or Blogland 'check your cookie settiings!'. You probably already know about 'cookies', but I didn't!.
This morning at lunchtime I had the postie arrive. Along with some beautiful SIBOL Squares from ATheeC I had a package arrive from New Zealand. Well who could that be from? It was from my lovely friends Alice and Raymond. I was so happy because I had won their Blog Giveaway! I am usually so unlucky!
Would you like to see?
Alice had wrapped the gift up in such wonderful paper! What a fabulous idea!

I opened the gift, what did I see?


Such beautiful, beautiful Bunting! Thank you so much Alice and Raymond for the gorgeous Gifts. You have made my day!
I popped outside as well to take some photos for you. Our 37th SIBOL Blanket was finished. Thanks so much everyone for the gorgeous Christmas Challenge Squares. Simply wonderful!
I've had such fun making the second Blanket in this theme and tomorrow I will start the final Christmas Blanket. Thanks Amanda for choosing the name for the Blanket. The words 'Comfort and Joy' were mentioned a few times when getting ideas and I would like to thank everyone for their ideas!

Sit back and enjoy our SIBOL Slide Show! Have a good weekend everyone!